Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today is a very sad day for me. I was sad in a way no one would understand... Today was also the day that I saw Agassi for the last time. That peaceful face, now gone into dust... I was just not myself today. I did not care when Casia kept asking me who I liked, I just said that I was not ready to tell, cause I am very shy about these things... Boredom didnt stop... I did not feel right in nearly every lesson... I felt that some one, or something was not there, by my side... Something was not right today.

To my eyes, nothing was normal today, like the attitude, feelings, time, things and places around me. My heart was not at its highest state like it always was. My stamina for PE dropped really low. I was anti-physical and anti-educational. I did not feel like doing anything I normally do, like talking alot and laughing my head out... School was not the same at all... Is this a message??? Today was obviously not the best day of mine... Me, Yi Rui and Gerald did joke around while going home but it did not change anything at all. What was wrong with me? No one knows...

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