Friday, April 3, 2009


Yesterday, FnN. It was practical exam, the big cheese. No I didnt cook big cheese, it means that it was important to me. I cooked a chicken wrap. Putra just cooked a huge ball of chicken. And he took longer than me. Well who the hell cares eh? Met Charles and he said that Kok Hoe's rice caught fire. Bloody funny sia! After FnN, Math. Miss Tan(The one who can take jokes), thaught us more math stuff. Yeah, she did joke a little, I think...

History, Mr Jay talked about U.S. The Republicans and Democrants vs... And Mr Jay was a Democrant... I always thaught he was Republic. After that, recess. Eh, suddenly my hand cramp... Thats better... Anyway, after recess was............oh ya............english. Bloody boring. Miss Tan Kuan Kuan gave us a sulky face the whole day. I dont understand her problem.

After all the bore was Science. Had to stand for a whole period, cause somebody didnt want to own up for littering. Skip to NCC. Putra didnt cme cause he need to pack some crap. We march march march. I dont even feel like moving then. When I became the timer, I sounded soft and tired. I just wanted to finish NCC and go home. Well we did finished it and went to air raja with Yi Rui. Bought drinks, talked about school, and went home by bus.

Thats all Im gonna talk about. Bye bye.

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