Today is a friday. I have not been posting because I was busy with my new game that I bought for $69. I saved that money for seven weeks... Let me start with last friday. I had NCC. Life firing. I was bloody scared. When I held the rifle, my arm was not stable. I could not reload well because so much was on my mind. I hardly hit any targets cause the FUCKIN RIFLE HAD A FUCKIN PROBLEM WITH ITS FUCKIN BARREL! My eyes went 'blind'. I could not see the target properly. When I rubbed my eyes, my eyes burned because of the dirt on my hand. In the end I failed. I go 4/12. But I tried my best at least. I admit, Putra won me in life firing, but just passed, and he laughed like there was no tomorrow. I had no idea what was so funny. It was as if he had a laughing problem and laughed at lame stuff. But, at least I won him in IMT, hee hee. So add up, I still higher...
Well I had fun firing the bullets. Real bullets.
I will now skip one day and go to sunday. It was the day me and other friends of mine went to watch a movie. Well, at least that was what me and Putra thought... We were supposed to meet at the arcade in vivo city. We saw them playing some wierd game there. Then, Putra and Shun Rong vs each other in soccer but Putra really sucked in it. He lost in the end. I got hungry because I didn't eat breakfast so I said that I was going to eat lunch and if they were going to buy the tickets, they could sms me. Putra followed along. We went to eat burgur king. We sat at another place because burgur king was full of people. While queuing, I saw a woman paying $50 for fries. Anyway, I bought BK chicken meal and Putra bought some big ass burgur meal and he upsized it. I think he has more stomach than any bome in his body. While eating, I got an sms from Gerald. He asked me where I was. I told him that I was around burgur king's area. He then told me that the others were at the ticket booth. WTF!!!!
I told Putra to hurry because they were at the ticket booth, but when I turned around, he wasn't even half way through his burgur. Better yet, he didnt even start with his drink... I told him I was going to throw my rubbish. but instead, I ditched him... I ran all the way to the ticket booth, but I did not see them there, instead, they were going up the escelator. I saw Gerald and Yi Rui and asked them why they did not wait for us. Yi Rui said that he thought that we already bought the tickets. That was when I found out that we could not watch the movie. We would have bought the tickets but the queue was really long. Then Putra came with his drink. We bid farewell to them and walked away. Putra started whining like a five year old. I then had a brain storm and we went to my house. We played 'Rainbow Six Vegas' when we were at my house. We played terrorist hunt mode and did Putra suck or what?! He always got killed at the first part. Putra, if ur reading this, you may have passed life range, but its no use if you cant use your skill when dealing with terrorist. at about 8pm, I sent Putra home. Well, thats my story. Bye.
10 years ago
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