Friday, March 27, 2009

Posotive love

Ever thought about how it would feel when you really love someone? I did when I was at the age of 6. In primary one, I met a very beautiful malay girl. She was different than the others, she was, more mature. Her hair was smooth, her eyes were beautiful and her voice was amazing. People thaught that her voice was too low, but I did not think that at all. Everyday I think about her. The other girls mixed around with many boys, but she didnt. She was shy when she had to talk to the other gender. Especially me. I always made her laugh on purpose or sometimes by accident.

There were times when we looked away when looking at each other. When I was in primary 5, she invited me to her house. Of course I was very shy and said that I had to ask my mum. My mum let me and we went together. We walked there instead. It was a long and silent walk. I tried to get near her but it was as if there was a barrier between us. When we reached the house I saw her siblings and mother. I ate rice. Then, we went to the living room and talked. Thats when her second brother and younger sister came in. We talked about various cartoons, and it seemed like her little sister was having fun talking about it.

Then, her father entered the house. He was a tall man with fair skin. Taller than my dad! He sat down beside me while the three went into the room. I pespired like there was no tomorrow. We were silent for the first minute. He suddenly started asking questions. Lots of them. Then her oldest brother came out of his room and talked to his father. Thats when I realized that this was the guy who used to have a liking towards my sister. After many questions, I went home.

In primary 6, I started to like another girl. So I liked two girls. It was very hard to tell which one I liked better because both are as beautiful to me. Unlike the first, this girl talked to me alot. I became confused and had alot of stress that year. When we parted and went to our new secondary lives, I became very sad. When I went to secondary 1, a girl caught my eye. I suddenly had this wierd feeling in me. Did I have an interest in her? Probably. My secondary life was way more different than my primary school life. Thats when I remembered what my friend told me,"Its way easier to get a girl in secondary school." I took his word seriously. But I still did not have one.

Better yet, the girl that I liked rarely talked to me. Well she talked to me but I was too shy to reply. It was around the end of secondary 1 where she ignored me totally. I asked my old friend why I could not get a girl. He told me I was too shy. Why was I shy? I felt like a total loser... So many guys had girls and I didnt... My friend said that there was a high chance that a girl would tell me that she liked me, but I guess he was wrong. Well, even though that girl ignores me, I still have an interest in her. Its not freaky, just liking. They say girls like guys who dance. I wonder if its true?

My 2 days

Lets start from thursday. I had my NAFA test. I really thought that I would fail all, but I got 2 A's and 1 D. My A's were my sit ups and shuttle run. I did 53 sit ups and took 9.3 seconds for my shuttle run. My D was standing broad jump. I jumped at a distance of 198 cm. Bloody short man... But at least I passed. I compared my marks with Putra and guess what, I beat him in all. Hah, u wanna act that u passed life fire Putra? I won u in the three stations. I dont give a damn if you beat me in sit and reach, Im not that flexible u know. I got 2 golds man!!! On the same day, me and some of my classmates went to play soccer. Putra, Yi Rui, Franklin, Nicholas, Tumbo, Shun Rong, Lee Fang and Agasi.

Agasi was supposed to be the goal keeper. But he always thaught he was a striker and went beyond the goal keeper's rim. We told him nicely to go back to his position, but he was stubborn. I told him so many times untill I ended up spitting vulgarities at him. I know, it was mean, but you had no idea how furious I was. He was lucky I was not so angry...

Anyway, on Friday, which is today, I had no NCC. I had to go to the science center instead. Well lets start with the lessons shall we? Our time table changed so this time, the day starts with FnN. Some of us needed to cook but some didnt. I didnt need to cause my file work was probably the worst in Tanglin History. Sad right? NO! I dont give a damn about FnN. I HATE it!

After FnN, we had mathematics, where Miss Tan thaught us something that Mr Sia already did. She suddenly asked us to take out our textbooks. I thought "Are you kiddin me? You just said we did not need to bring the book at all yesterday?". But the whole class reminded her, so it was like 30+ vs 1... Hee hee hee...

After math was history, one of my favourite subjects. We had a test wich was as easy as pie, I think. After that was RECESS!!! Went to my normal seat and sat with Putra, which slowly became other friends. Putra was reading his lyrics for the song beautiful, while I listened to my songs. He asked me to rap one part of the song and I did. I'll give myself a B- for the rapping. Then we had English. I wont talk about it cause it was a very dull lesson.

The next and last lesson was Science, my other favourite subject. We went to the Chem lab to do practical. My group was really fun, with Charles and Lee Fang, a.k.a ''Leaf". He actually likes the name. Oh, and we were doing practical on a leaf suprisingly. Mdm Heng told us to split our groups into two smaller groups. So me and Charles were one group and Lee Fang was another. We did not want to be mean, so we assisted him if he required any help. Our leaf was the first to change its colour. We were proud of it.

Then, I needed to go to prayer. After prayer, me Matin and Danial went to the Science center. Danial was kind enough to pay the taxi bill for us. When we reached there, we saw Ramdhan, Ash'ari, Afi, Amin, Azlan and Julius standing around. Ramdhan told me that the others had not reached yet. The first bus came and it was loaded with 2E2's and 2E3's. But no 2E1's. Untill they reached the science center, I had to go with the 2E3's. I waited for so long in the DNA lab and thats when 2E1 reached. Then Blah blah blah. After the DNA class, me and Putra walked around. We saw many interesting and disturbing things.

After that, we went to eat at McDonalds. We also saw Yi Rui and the others playing at the water area. Then, we went back home.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My recent life

Today is a friday. I have not been posting because I was busy with my new game that I bought for $69. I saved that money for seven weeks... Let me start with last friday. I had NCC. Life firing. I was bloody scared. When I held the rifle, my arm was not stable. I could not reload well because so much was on my mind. I hardly hit any targets cause the FUCKIN RIFLE HAD A FUCKIN PROBLEM WITH ITS FUCKIN BARREL! My eyes went 'blind'. I could not see the target properly. When I rubbed my eyes, my eyes burned because of the dirt on my hand. In the end I failed. I go 4/12. But I tried my best at least. I admit, Putra won me in life firing, but just passed, and he laughed like there was no tomorrow. I had no idea what was so funny. It was as if he had a laughing problem and laughed at lame stuff. But, at least I won him in IMT, hee hee. So add up, I still higher...
Well I had fun firing the bullets. Real bullets.
I will now skip one day and go to sunday. It was the day me and other friends of mine went to watch a movie. Well, at least that was what me and Putra thought... We were supposed to meet at the arcade in vivo city. We saw them playing some wierd game there. Then, Putra and Shun Rong vs each other in soccer but Putra really sucked in it. He lost in the end. I got hungry because I didn't eat breakfast so I said that I was going to eat lunch and if they were going to buy the tickets, they could sms me. Putra followed along. We went to eat burgur king. We sat at another place because burgur king was full of people. While queuing, I saw a woman paying $50 for fries. Anyway, I bought BK chicken meal and Putra bought some big ass burgur meal and he upsized it. I think he has more stomach than any bome in his body. While eating, I got an sms from Gerald. He asked me where I was. I told him that I was around burgur king's area. He then told me that the others were at the ticket booth. WTF!!!!
I told Putra to hurry because they were at the ticket booth, but when I turned around, he wasn't even half way through his burgur. Better yet, he didnt even start with his drink... I told him I was going to throw my rubbish. but instead, I ditched him... I ran all the way to the ticket booth, but I did not see them there, instead, they were going up the escelator. I saw Gerald and Yi Rui and asked them why they did not wait for us. Yi Rui said that he thought that we already bought the tickets. That was when I found out that we could not watch the movie. We would have bought the tickets but the queue was really long. Then Putra came with his drink. We bid farewell to them and walked away. Putra started whining like a five year old. I then had a brain storm and we went to my house. We played 'Rainbow Six Vegas' when we were at my house. We played terrorist hunt mode and did Putra suck or what?! He always got killed at the first part. Putra, if ur reading this, you may have passed life range, but its no use if you cant use your skill when dealing with terrorist. at about 8pm, I sent Putra home. Well, thats my story. Bye.